Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the people of Salem UCC,
Columbia Borough PA are called together in order to experience
and share the love of Christ with others, not only in our church
building but throughout all situations of our living as well. As one,
we covenant to embody:
1. A community that holds to a core belief within our denomination
that we are to work towards healing divisions, which is born from
Jesus’ prayer, found in John 17:21: “I pray that they will all be one,
just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in
you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent
me” (NLT).
2. A commitment to set aside our doctrinal beliefs, historic traditions
and personal desires in order to place the desires, prayers and
words of Jesus above our own.
3. A desire for unity that requires flexibility and makes room for
diverse viewpoints to peacably coexist while placing in all things;
charity above rigidity.
4. A culture that encourages all, regardless of age and ability, to
take advantage of opportunities to learn and grow, as individuals
and as one body, towards living out the abundant grace and love of
God, which Christ opened to everyone.
5. An environment that strives to welcome and include all into the
full life of the church, without limitation or boundaries, regardless of
age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, economic
condition or mental or physical ability.
6. A spirit led embrace of God’s amazing diversity with a prayerful
balance of loving accountability for the actions and commitments of
one another.
Please Follow @RiverTownPrideCenter on Facebook for information about our drop in resource center located
off the alley out back in our Education Building!